540-552-2541 info@uniteddhia.com

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Holstein ,Milking cows, bred, replacement heifers and calves

Holstein ,Milking cows, bred, replacement heifers and calves

We have Holstein calves, steers, replacement heifers, bred heifers, bred cows, milking cows, and cow/calf pairs. They are very healthy…
Total views: 13
Price: $ 1,300.00
Jersey heifers, bred heifers and milking cows A2A2 Tested ( Cattle )

Jersey heifers, bred heifers and milking cows A2A2 Tested ( Cattle )

We breed and supply "top-notch A2/A2 tested Jersey replacement Heifers and Pregnant Cows with structural efficiency and functional correctness". Right".…
Total views: 10
Price: $ 1,250.00
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